75th Anniversary Campaign

Creative director and graphic designer.  Created 75th Anniversary logo to use with current logo for duration of anniversary for print and digital platforms.  Designed billboard, brochures, Limited Edition Visa Debit Cards and 10-week digital Facebook campaign leading up to anniversary.
Taglines Developed: Community Strong Since 1941 and Join Our Legacy Today  
Client will continue to use throughout 2017 for the duration of 75th Anniversary.
Deliverables included: Billboard, display ads, web banners, digital art for promotional materials, embroidery, and campaigns on social media channels.
Created  75th Anniversary bug to incorporate in all printed materials, signage, online imagery for website and social media outlets along with embroidery and promotional collateral.
Billboard commemorating 75th Anniversary  -  Brand recognition
Updated all brochures with 75th Anniversary and incorporate heritage images which are also displayed throughout lobbies.
75th Anniversary Visa Debit Cards. Offered to members for a limited time only.
One of five updated brochures. 
One of five updated brochures.
Banner displayed on all social media outlets.
Display ad for commemorating 75th Anniversary.  Displayed internally and through all social media outlets. 
10-week Facebook Campaign that ran every other week as a #TBT (Throw Back Thursday), leading up to 75th Anniversary.
Display ad commemorating 75th Anniversary.  Displayed internally and through all social media outlets. 

Vehicle Wrap - design and implementation.

Vehicle Wrap - design and implementation.

Vehicle Wrap - design and implementation.

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